Legal Information

This page provides important information about product and income testimonials and trademarks You may also be interested in our shipping policies or the payment information page.

About this site

  • This website was created and is hosted by Fun Simple Magical (FSM). To contact FSM please see the support page on the FSM website.
  • This individual website belongs to Geraldine Banks, who is independently responsible for the fulfillment of any orders placed. To contact Geraldine Banks please see the contact page on this shop.
  • This site has been prepared by and is the responsibility of independent distributors. It has not been created by and is not endorsed by Herbalife. To contact Herbalife please use the links at the bottom of this page.

Trademarks and copyright

  • Unless otherwise stated all trademarks, registered trademarks and product brand names are the property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.
  • This site (including content, design, images, videos, technologies and source code) is the property of FSM.

Legal statements

Please consider the following statements regarding weight loss results and income testimonials used on the site.

Weight-loss and product results

  • Herbalife products are effective when used in conjuction with a calorie controlled eating plan and weight loss will depend on your personal metabolism.
  • Herbalife programmes are based upon, amongst other things: a balanced healthy diet, regular exercise, an adiquate daily fluid intake, appropriate supplementation and sufficient rest.
  • Herbalife products are not designed to diagnose or treat any medical condition.
  • The weight loss testimonials presented are applicable to the individuals depicted and are not a guarantee of your weight loss nor are they necessarily typical.

The Herbalife Business Opportunity

When considering and comparing business opportunities, it is important to understand the following statements.

  • Incomes are applicable to the individuals presented and are not a guarantee of your income, nor are they necessarily typical. Any earnings will depend on factors including your business skills and the effort and time you put into the business.
  • It is illegal for a promoter or a participant in a trading scheme to pursuade anyone to make a payment by promising benefits by getting others to join a scheme. Do no be mislead by claims that high earnings are easily achieved.

This offer of the Herbalife Business Opportunity is made by Herbalife Members Geraldine Banks, Profile 2000 Tanning & Beauty, Ramada Telford Ironbridge, Telford. The provider of the business opportunity is Herbalife (U.K.) Limited, The Atrium, 1 Harefield Road, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 1HB United Kingdom. Goods sold are nutrition, personal care and cosmetic products.

Transactions are effected by participants as principals.

You may wish to read the Department of Trade and Industry's Trading Schemes Guide.

Your privacy on this site

Please consult our privacy policy for details about how any information provided through this site will be used.

30 day money back guarantee

Please see the payment information page.

Product samples

Samples are sent out at the distributor's discretion. Requesting a sample does not guarantee you will receive one. Usually distributors will send no more than one sample per household.

Useful contacts

Geraldine BanksProfile 2000 Tanning & Beauty, Ramada Telford Ironbridge, Forgegate
Telford, TF3 4NA

07823 883 943

I'm Geraldine Banks, a Herbalife distributor based in Telford, UK.

This site shows Herbalife's full range of products. Please have a look around and if you have any questions please give me a call!